Thank you Christian and Kenny,

Just one clarification,

Kenny Wrote "In these cases
(especially poems), the line break is important to the content itself,
not just how you would like it to be displayed."

so everything can be argued to be correct semantical use of the <br>-tag, if we claim it to carrie meaning?

in the sence that in address example, the meaning a Br-tag would carrie could instead be carried by commas or seperate p tags, which would be more correct and should be used?

the poem example is interesting, (arts meet logic), then it becomes even more fuzzy,
(the poem would also allow the use of invisible text to do the job)

But got I working with CSS.  (thank you)

It seems to me, the solution, like you say Kenny, is to avoid all use of the br tag in all but the poem case.?


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