On 28 Jan 2006, at 3:09 am, Veine Vikberg wrote:

Well Georg came with a suggestion that is working for Windows machines - now this design is close to what it needs to be on Windows IE/Moz/Opera. My issue is now Mac - I have a mac in the office (Strawberry iMac os 8.6 IE 5.1) and on that one all layout is virtually gone with the wind.

All id and classes seems to be ignored, and they are thrown all over the place, stretching the page to a three screen horizonal scroll.

I am at a loss to why this happens.

The page is question is:

Your iMac runs old sofware...

That site displays fine in Opera 9TP1 Mac, Safari 1.2 and 2.0, Firefox 1.5. Camino and Firefox nightly trunk builds have a problem, the side test (under the contact data) drops below the image. Nothing to worry about, it is a regression from a recent code base mod.

IE mac has some more serious issues, at least one.
It puts #content next to the #header, which is floated. Solutions: either add a clearing element between header and content, or just float:left #content.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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