All right, this is probably a less than gripping question and more pertinent to academic writing. Nonetheless. The <blockquote> element requires that it enclose block level elements--in my case usually a <p>. Since blockquotes are usually in a run of text (#content p), it picks up the content p's line-height. But a blockquote, typographically speaking, should have a reduced line-height to differentiate it from the other paragraphs in the text. (Besides, a blockquote with standard paragraph line-height looks ukky.) Here I run afoul of the cascade unless I use a <span>; #blockquote p will not work because of the #content p rule. First, is there another, better way of accomplishing reducing the line-height in a blockquote other than using a <span>? Second, will I be a CSS Night Patrol target if I use a <span> to reduce the line-height?
Thank you,
Paula Petrik
Department of History & Art History
Associate Director
Center for History & New Media
George Mason University

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