> I just noticed Opera have opened the Opera Labs page and they now have
> Opera 9 Preview 2 available for testing. The site has minimal content
> at the moment (after all it just opened) but there is a short speil on
> Opera supported web standards and the direction they are heading in:
> http://labs.opera.com/webstandards/

The beta has some really good new features and some changes that a lot
of people should be happy to see (eg. matching Firefox nomenclature of
tabs/windows). Hopefully the AJAX fraternity will have fun with the

That said, I've noticed that despite Opera's commitment to standards,
the standards community really only gets excited about Firefox/Safari
(depending on your platform). Beats me why.


--- <http://www.200ok.com.au/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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