hello i have a site that i need a bit of advice on, i got some great help
here allready for it.
..1st it dosnt validate right now but i will get it to pass after i address
some other issues.

the site was critiqued rather harshly by a third party consultant- here is
the original email.

-not sure how much truth is in some of this stuff.

i know that there are  a good few hacks and some bugs in it but im trying!!!

"Hi Nick,

Well I had a very quick look at it and though visually the site is nice
there are a couple of serious problems, I'm afraid. The first is that it has
been developed using  a table based layout.
This is a very outmoded way of developing and can be problematic.  Now
content and presentation are separated using CSS. This in itself goes  long
way to creating an accessible site. Some alt text has been used to describe
images, which is good.

The bigger problem is that there are no HTML headings used in the site, from
what I can see.

All site content must be marked up using semantic HTML to structure the
document.This enables a blind user to see the document and navigate it

The site does however look good and hopefully many users will be able to
find what they need, but people with disabilities will more than likely have
a hard time as the site is not accessible to them.

The HTML issue can be easily changed by structuring the page content using
structural HTML."

here is the address

any feedback at all greatly appreciated
thanks a mill

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