I came across this the other day also . Since flash was colliding with my use of sweet titles.

I was advised to set wmode to transparent, I works I am not begruding that but is there any logic to this. Surley wmode would just allow you to see through the flash object if set to transparent. Are there any draw backs to using wmode=transparent? I thought flash was displayed above the browser via the system and this was why flash content was always
displayed above other content.

is this just one of those odd things sent to  try us??

Peter Ottery wrote:

Ted wrote:
-- > my lovely flash movie thinks it's the coolest thing on the planet
and wants to sit on top of my lovely dropdown box.

in the html code that calls your  flash movie, add this:
<param name="WMode" value="transparent">
let us know how you go
pete ottery
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