> Or do we just dumb everything down until we have some small subset that 
> everyone understands?

I've often found the Nielsen goes too far - beyond "make it more
usable", through to "make it more stupid" or even "cater to such a low
common denominator that average users actually start to get frustrated
with how dumb it is". Internal links aren't exactly rocket science,
they're just a variation on "links take you to information".

There's a base level of knowledge that users need to get by online, if
they don't have that base level they need to learn it for their own

We often talk about "paving the cowpaths", but I get the impression
Nielsen wants it paved, straightened, levelled, widened and labelled
"Cow path, you can walk along it either forwards or backwards" every
few metres.

I usually agree with the spirit of Nielsen's articles, just not the
conclusions and solutions proposed.


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