sime wrote:
Which brings me back to my original question question. Rephrased, what are the different situations in which you'd use HTML4 over XHTML1? So far I've been led to believe (outside of this list) that XHTML is a step forward.

Ah, but, grasshopper, to step backward from the precipice may be a sign of wisdom ;-)

It's really a case of "you say tomahto, I say tomayto"

Some will tell you that there is no real need for XHTML, that it confers no special capability that websites require now and for the foreseeable future. Others will tell you it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and will in fact slice your bread for you (as long as your breadbox is defined in XML).

My advice would be for you to analyse your project, analyse the options and determine which meets your needs best. If there are tags in XHTML that you can't live without, your choice is made. If you find you don't absolutely need it, then the choice is yours to make. Be aware that XHTML is less forgiving than HTML (even strict) and that most browsers currently won't care what you use, although even IE may barf on badly formed and served XHTML (or you might get lucky)


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