Hello Dwain,

Am I correct in assuming you want a "paintstripe" running down the side of 
your wrapper? If so, if that's what you're asking about, I would do the 

First get rid of this: <div id="paintstripe"></div>
And remove that entry from the style sheet. I can't see that it is needed 
for anything.

Then change the #wrapper in the style sheet to this:

#wrapper {
  background : #fff url(../images/paint-stripe.png) repeat-y;
  margin : 0 auto;
  width : 760px;

That's all you need to do. It'll position itself snugly in the upper left 
and it'll repeat downward. If you want the image on the body, put that line 
there. If can be adjusted inward as well on the same line if you need it.

Hope this helps.

Mike Cherim

PS. I would also add "background-color : #fff;" to the body element in your 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dwain Alford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "web standards group" <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 12:14 AM
Subject: [WSG] background won't repeat-y

i have done this before, but i can't seem to get this going.  according to
css definitive guide 3rd edition if i use the following css the background
image is supposed to tile vertically:

background: url(some-image.png) repeat-y;

well, without a height and width on the image it doesn't appear on the page,
much less tile vertically.

the page is here:

css is here:  http://www.alforddesigngroup.com/sandbox/css/mueller.css

like i said, i have made this work once before, but i can't figure this one
out and i've been at it all day.


dwain alford
p.o. box 145
winfield, alabama  35594

tele:  205.487.2570
cell:  205.495.5619

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