On Apr 30, 2007, at 2:28 AM, Paul Novitski wrote:

The method you're using to present the definition list in two
columns is to split the markup into two lists.  However, I believe
it's really just one list, so you're changing the markup in a way
that misrepresents the semantics of the page purely for
presentational purposes.

You can accomplish the dual-column list in CSS by moving the first
DT in column 2 back up the page with a negative margin-top, then
shifting all the items in column 2 over with a postive margin- left. This technique is illustrated in example 6 in my A List Apart article <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/multicolumnlists/ >. It does require that the height of column 1 is predictable if
you're using static CSS or calculable if you're generating your CSS
on the fly.

At 4/30/2007 10:06 AM, CK wrote:
Wonderful suggestion and article, should the <dt> have mark-up
similar, then follow along with the CSS, from the article?


My examples in the article are all ordered & unordered lists, but technique #6 can certainly be applied to definition lists.

If you're generating your list markup from a script such as PHP you can probably add ids & classes precisely where you need them: identify the first item of column 2 uniquely, then identify each item in column 2 with a class:

        <dt>column 1, item 1</dt>
        <dd>column 1, item 1</dd>

        <dt>column 1, item 2</dt>
        <dd>column 1, item 2</dd>

        <dt class="col2" id="col2">column 2, item 1</dt>
        <dd class="col2">column 2, item 1</dd>

        <dt class="col2">column 2, item 2</dt>
        <dd class="col2">column 2, item 2</dd>


        margin-top: -6em;
        margin-left: 20em;

If you're dealing with static html, you could give every list item a unique id and then generate the stylesheet to split it into columns:

        <dt id="a-t">item 1</dt>
        <dd id="a-d">item 1</dd>

        <dt id="b-t">item 2</dt>
        <dd id="b-d">item 2</dd>

        <dt id="c-t">item 3</dt>
        <dd id="c-d">item 3</dd>

        <dt id="d-t">item 4</dt>
        <dd id="d-d">item 4</dd>

        margin-top: -6em;
        margin-left: 20em;

A script can obviously calculate where a new column begins by dividing the number of items by the number of columns, compensating for multiple-line items as needed, and bingo, Bob's your uncle. Since line-wrap is a client-side phenomenon in layouts that limit width, a server-side script can make a best-guess and a client-side script can refine the column breaks as the user resizes their text.

I'd hate to have to produce extensive markup like this by hand, but then I generate pages by scripting almost exclusively and leave such mind-numbing markup details to the server that seems so content to wade through large boring jobs in mere milliseconds.

When CSS3 is finally supported commonly we can dispense with all this and generate columnar markup more easily.

W3C CSS3 module: Multi-column layout

Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module
by Cédric Savarese



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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