
When I have implemented these news-ticker-like 'widgets', I have made
sure that at the very least, the content I am using within the widget
is readable by a screen reader. This can be done by putting xhtml into
a div, and placing it off screen (to the left with negative em). On
instantiation of the 'widget', it sources its "news" from the hidden
content div, or simply uses the div itself by un-hiding it.

The content xhtml is usually an unordered list of "news items". This
borrows from the technique used with drop-down menus and the like...

The other major problem though, and something this alone won't
resolve, is the issue of a client being 'javascript-less'. There are a
few options here though, for instance, the <noscript> tag could be
employed to deliver alternative content to those users. This might be
a partial representation of the "news items" or a link to a page
containing all the news in full.

Hope this helps.

Richard: You could use a satay method for flash (ALA), however it
doesn't deal with the IE patenting issue regarding Active X plugins.
Flash player will not become interactive until after the player is
'activated' by the user - painful. You would be better off using UFO
or SWFObject scripts to embed flash movies in pages.

On 5/3/07, Richard McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robin wrote:
> I have been asked by a client for an area on his website that will have
> scrolling text or images or both and also a devolving and resolving
> image panel.
> I have advised against this as moving things on pages constantly annoy
> as well as the inaccessibility issues that using scripts bring.
> So my question is does anyone know of any application or any way that i
> can do this in a way that will make the least amount of compromises to
> accessibility and degrade nicely if either active x or javaScript or
> what ever else might be used to create these transitions are not available.
> An example of what the client is looking for is.
> http://investhawkesbay.com/  YUKKKK.

Could you not build the flappy about stuff in flash and use an
adaptation of the flash satay method to replace the core information in
standard images and text, that way the information will still be
accessible to spiders and other non visual readers without the need for
scripting jiggery pokery.



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