Karl Lurman wrote:
Who says? How's he to know that people aren't displaying content in their
sidebar which deserves to be introduced with a H2?

So you are saying that sidebar content is as important as the main
body of the page? If so, shouldn't that content be in the main body of
the page?

Following the (self aggrandising, and very SEO slanted) logic of the article, you'd have something like

H1 - title of post
  H2 - subheading 1 of post
  H2 - subheading 2 of post
  H2 - subheading 3 of post
    H3 - sidebar heading 1
    H3 - sidebar heading 2

From a document outline point of view, this would suggest that the H3s are subsections of the last H2...which, of course, they aren't. The sidebar heading can be seen as a sibling to the actual post title.

That article tries to portray opinion as absolute dogma...

The following view may be just as valid, depending on how you view the structure of the page

H1 - site identity
  H2 - title of post
    H3 - subheading 1 of post
  H2 - sidebar heading 1

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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