Hello Mariusz,

> substituting <dt> with <label> or
> <dd> with <input> doesn't seem
> right to me at all... you can't just swap
> them

I'm not really saying to swap them. I'm not pro-list or -table for form 
layout, I was just trying to pair the elements to show that form elements 
can serve in the same way (as they should). For example, instead of DT, use 
Label and leave the DT in the dictionary.

The point of my comments, though, was what I have been saying all along. You 
simply don't need additional structure to put a form on a page. All you need 
are the form-related elements: Form, fieldset, legend, label, input 
(varied), and textarea. Using these elements and CSS you can lay out a form 
and, if this done properly, it's good to go, semantic, valid, accessible, 
and actually fairly controllable. There is actually a lot one can do without 
having to introduce something like a list or table structure. Try clever 
floats, et. al.

But, as a disclaimer I should add that it's best probably to not do too 
much. If a form is styled it should probably be done minimally ("if it ain't 
broken...). It is true that the legend element and how it relates to the 
fieldset can be a challenge (John Faulds has a good article about messing 
with legends [1]). It's also true not all browsers will support focus, and 
inputs like checkboxes, radio buttons, will display differently in different 
browsers, but there is a lot you can do without introducing anything else, 
especially in terms of positioning/layout. Roger Johansson has a good 
reference on form styling [2].

> Your example is simple form with really
> one thematic group and you have
> 4 fieldsets there (?!).

Yes. I felt the groupings I chose were appropriate.

F1 - The Form
        F2 - Required
        F3 - Optional
        F4 - Required again.

The Requireds are separated by the Optional, but I wanted to maintain the 
order I chose:

The Form
    Required Name and Email
    Optional Phone and URL
    Required Comments

[1] http://www.tyssendesign.com.au/articles/css/legends-of-style/

Sorry if I was unclear in my previous posts. Hopefully my message is clearer 
this time 'round.

Mike Cherim

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