Hi all,

Today we have seen a range of unacceptable behaviour on list including rude
or abusive comments, personal attacks and a post to a closed thread.

None of these are acceptable and future offenders will be removed from the
list immediately.

Around 12 months ago I posted about this to the list. It seems that a little
reminder is in order...

----------- original post --------------------

I want to talk today about "respect". For those of you who have not heard of
this concept, "respect" is sometimes defined as "courteous regard for
people's feelings".

When you reply to a post on the list, you should at all times try to do so
with respect. Everyone on this list is entitled to their own opinion.
Sometimes they may be factually incorrect, other times they may have a
different view from you but EVERYONE should be treated with respect.
Below are some examples of replies that LACK respect:

"You are totally wrong"
"That is silly"
"That is stupid"
"You know nothing about..."
"You are dumb"
"You smell"

Below are some more respectful alternatives:

"I'm not sure I agree with that"
"I think you may be misinterpreting..."
"I respectfully disagree for the following reasons"
"Have you considered taking a bath?"

Today's lesson: when replying to others, be courteous or leave!

---------- end post ------------------


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