On 2007/05/28 02:43 (GMT-0400) Philip Kiff apparently typed:

> 1. Use Percentage on body font-size, then apply ems on the rest
> Owen Briggs
> The Noodle Incident - Sane CSS Sizes
> http://www.thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/typography/

This is the method of undersizing that is least visitor unfriendly. Gecko
browsers don't compound an enforced minimum font size as badly as on Clagnut
pages. More importantly, a simple user stylesheet with 'body {font-size:
medium !important}' fixes all or substantially all of most pages that
strictly use this method.

> The last major position, of course, is the one advocating against any
> changes to the default base font sizes for the body text.  This is the "100%
> Easy-2-Read Standard" advocated by Felix Miata:
> http://www.informationarchitects.jp/100e2r?v=4

There is at least one rather significant other proponent. From

'Size: respect the users' preferences, avoid small size for content
    * As a base font size for a document, 1em (or 100%) is equivalent
    to setting the font size to the user's preference. Use this as a
    basis for your font sizes, and avoid setting a smaller base font size
    * Avoid sizes in em smaller than 1em for text body, except maybe for
    copyright statements or other kinds of "fine print."'

> 3. Use some combination of percentage and em sizing on all elements
> Note that if you avoid changing the default base font-size setting, then
> this method can be used to create a fully scalable/zoomable design while
> still addressing the objections of those who believe that the default text
> font size should be left unchanged.
> it seems to me that the best practice in
> this area is already covered by the WCAG, which simply asks that font sizes
> be set using relative units so that users can increase them or zoom the page
> size without causing the page layout to break.

The method and the WCAG dodge the basic issue of respect - users shouldn't
need to do anything more than arrive in order to use a page - plus a not
insignificant other issue. Those using the overwhelmingly most common web
browser have a narrow range of adjustment possible via their browser's
standard font sizer widget. It's common for people in trying to compensate
for initial x-small/small/65%-80% body text to run out of range with its
maximum 2 steps of possible increase, particularly when their preferred
starting point is already larger.

> So, for example, I wonder if it would help if the user CSS files attempted
> to set the default font size in two different ways:
> body {font-size: 100% !important}
> html>body {font-size: 16pt !important}

That ruleset in site styles would mean IE users get 12pt body text, and most
everybody else would get much larger 16pt body text. In a user stylesheet
context, the end result depends on which browser is given those rules.

In order to have the greatest possible chance of having the intended effect,
a user stylesheet needs something like the following:

        body, p, td, li, dd {font-size: 100% !important}

with possible additions for textarea, input and a few other elements.

Overall though, simple user stylesheets have a limited intended impact. A
vast number of sites set a size on a multitude of unique classes and ids on
which a simple stylesheet can hope to have no impact. On many sites I have
to disable site styles entirely when zoom and minimum font size result in
hidden and/or overlapping text. On quite a number I frequent. I make
site-specific user stylesheets based upon the site styles to override each
of the class and id rules.
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining
ever brighter till the full light of day."      Proverbs 4:18 NIV

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