Hi there Tim,

From the stats (http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp) I would say go for 1024x768 but, with that said, whenever possible (often determined by client requirements and likes/dislikes :) ) go for a liquid layout that would enable your site to expand and contract based on the browser size.

I think what a lot of people forget is that even though the users screen resolution might be 1024x768 or even higher, this does not mean that the user has their browser window maximized to the full height/width. I know especially on Mac this is very true.

So to my mind, go for 1024x768 but keep the above in mind and go for liquid when at all possible.

Kind Regards

Tim Offenstein wrote:
Anyone have a recommendation on what size screen to use as a baseline when designing for a new site? 800x600 or 1024x768 or something else?

Thanks in advance.


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