iPhone might be a different thing altogether ..
 just because a page renders nicely in Safari on a desktop machine doesn't
necessarely mean it is going to be very usable on a tiny screen!
(I haven't yet seen an iPhone but I assume the screen would be small like a
mobile phone screen...?)

Point taken, however I am not just referring to visual appearance.
More interested in functionality differences for web applications
(AJAX and Javascript in general).

I think Apples approach with the safari on the iphone is that it will
"work the same" on all platforms, even XP/Vista now too. That
'hopefully' means that developing with testing for Safari in the
present, *should* mean that it will "just works" on the iphone in the

Just have to wait and see if that happens or not I guess.

If you ask me, I think that the Iphone is probably the major reason
for porting Safari to Windows in the first place. Developers will have
less excuses not to develop sites capable of running on the latest
apple gadget. If more sites work, more people will like the iphone and
it will sell better.

Im certainly in no hurry to pick one up - even knowing its going to be
a few years before it gets off the ground here in Australia.


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