On 5/9/07 (01:18) Felix said:

>I believe I've already explained up thread that they do, in
>_web_designers_as_a_group_ having a personal skew/bias/preference in
>favor of things small generally, part of the nature of the kind of
>detail-oriented people who
>gravitate into web design.

You mentioned that before, along with the fact that you have no actual
hard evidence of it but that the statement is born out of your own
observations. Nevertheless, you want me to accept it as part of your
argument. That's fine, I have no problem with that, and in fact I'm
fairly sure that your point is true.

When I made the observation that I do not believe that most people's
default settings are *chosen* but just happen to be whatever came out of
the box, that was also based upon my own observations and anecdotal
evidence. However, you dismiss my opinion/personal experience with glib
links to 'Proof By Assertion' and seemingly just refuse to even consider
the notion.

You make some good points in your posts, Felix, and in fact I find
myself coming around to the 100% default camp (after all, I never
started this thread with any axe to grind) but I find it difficult to
give your arguments the credit that they are perhaps due whilst you
won't permit others the same debating strategies that you employ yourself. 

Rick Lecoat

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