Tee wrote:
> [XStandard] Mac version finally came out - a very long wait,
> must be at least 2 year
It wasn't a straight port - we were pioneering new accessible UI and few 
features such as authoring definition lists at the same time as we were writing 
the OS X code. Whenever you're first to do something, it's always going to take 
longer. For example, it took us 2 months to build support for authoring 
definition lists (dl). Initially we thought dl should be authored in a similar 
way to ol/ul so we spent a month building the authoring interface that way. 
Then we realized that the user will have a much better experience if dl was 
treated more like tables from an authoring perspective, so we spent a month 
re-writing authoring interface. And that's how 2 years go by.

Here is more info:

Tee wrote:
> thread regarding XStandard porting to Modx and you and the
> developers were going to see if possible. That seems went dead?
We make a special version of XStandard with most of the Pro features available 
to open source CMS vendors free of charge. Here are the details:
MODx developers started to integrate XStandard into their CMS but we don't know 
what the current status of that project is.

XStandard XHTML WYSIWYG Editor

-------- Original Message --------
From: Tee G. Peng
Date: 2007-09-12 11:02 PM
> On Sep 12, 2007, at 5:43 PM, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
>> Tee wrote:
>>> Personally I don't think there is a fully accessible
>>> WYSIWYG Editor existed that delivers pure clean code.
>> It all depends on how you define "fully". XStandard has a keyboard 
>> accessible interface and most definitely delivers clean, accessible 
>> markup.
> Well, yesterday I finally learned that the Mac version finally came out 
> - a very long wait, must be at least 2 year; after 6 months of waiting, 
> I gave up and completely forgotten as if it never existed. Haven't try 
> the lite version so I will take your word and give a benefit of doubt, 
> but until then I will reserve my insignificant 2 cents :)
> I remember there was a thread regarding XStandard porting to Modx and 
> you and the developers were going to see if possible. That seems went dead?
> tee
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