I've been reading the Target thread and keep wondering about the many
references to the "cost of accessibility" with a focus on supplying alt

In a database supported eCommerce site, it's very, very easy to put alt
attributes on product images.  You simply take the name of the product from
the database and embed it in the img tag so that it looks something like
this, depending on what script/language/framework you're using.
<img src="<%=(rsProduct("prodImageSmall")%>"
alt="<%=rsProduct("prodName")%>" />

What I also don't understand on the Target site is the extensive use of
image maps, and graphics for navigation.  They cost more to code and
maintain than dynamically filtering lists for navigation.

If Target doesn't "get" how their methods are costing them sales, negatively
impacting their brand, and increasing their web support costs; then should
they be legislated into more profitable methods?

Christie Mason

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