Rick Lecoat wrote:

> can anyone tell me what is the best accessible way (if any) of encoding
> a mailto: link? I want to make the email addresses on a site usable to
> screen reader users, but don't want them harvested by spambots. 
> Javascripted solutions seem like they would create a headache for screen
> readers, and any plain text equivalent presented in the name of
> accessibility would simply be harvested instead. And I prefer to avoid
> jscript if I can anyway.

I too am interested to know what others are doing. Javascript seems the
best way because you can keep the code to generate and insert a mailto
external to the html file but you have to cover the problem where
javascript can't be used.

I have a function I wrote in PHP that converts a string of characters to
their ASCII values and this works ok but is still in the html code so
maybe harvesters look for the ASCII value of the @ symbol and find
addresses still?

function htmlEncode($str)
    $encoded = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
        $encoded .= "&#".ord($str[$i]).";";
    return $encoded;

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