Thierry Koblentz wrote:

>>> Because
>>> like I said, following this logic why not using table markup to give
>> users
>>> of other UAs (old visual browsers like IE 5 Mac, NN6, etc) a better
>>> experience too? Why just SR users?
>> because thats a different issue. Its an issue of the user not upgrading
>> to software thats available and thats better.  The issue we speak of is
>> the user unable to do anything about the situation themselves because
>> there is no better software, so we should look after them if we can.
> User not upgrading to software that's available and that's better. Do you
> think it's that simple? 

no i don't

> Believe me, many people do not have that choice. 

I know. But someone does. If i own a business and make my staff use IE6
then thats my choice because theres something better out there - my
staff can't do anything about it but i can. Which is different to screen
reader users who have up to date software that lacks some features. They
have no choice to upgrade. Therefore they are a different group to the
users of the other UA's you mention. Therefore, it doesn't follow that
it's using the same logic if we use tables like you suggest.

Although i applaud your commitment, I feel your approach is very
academic in nature. As someone who mostly earns their living by
producing websites for businesses, I feel that it's my job to do
whatever delivers the best user experience for the people who are the
end users of the site. And, although I firmly believe in adhering to
standards (why would I be here otherwise?), if that means using heading
and paragraph tags instead of dl's then so be it. And I don't think it's
right to use these client websites as a means to make a stand against
user agent vendors if it means sacrificing any of that usability.

Chris Knowles

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