Hi Tony

On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:07:06 am Tony wrote:
> Hello,
> If, by default,
> PDFs open within the browser, then won't we be changing their user
> experience by forcing them to open/save?
> Regards,
> Tony

Not really, the current position of "inline" PDF and other documents in 
probably due to the way the browser ships. I know a lot of people who dislike 
the inline thing and change it straight away, especially PDF's as it can slow 
or crash certain browsers (especially those beginning with F and ending in 

The other thing to consider is that people will generally save a document 
presented inline any way (it won't stay in their cache forever) and that 
a "Save As..." dialogue box will generally have an "open" option.

So, the best "usability" is to allow the user to define what they want to do 
(either by allowing the user to select inline or downloadable files, or put 
it back in their hands and they can fiddle with their browser settings).

To force download certain types of files (content-disposition: attachment), 
changes can be made at the web server level or in the middleware (PHP etc). 
How to do this is off topic for the list but I would quickly mention two 
gotchas that are:
 * only allow downloads from a certain directory lest you end up with 
downloader.php?file=/etc/passwd or even 
 * define the mime type properly when downloading as a lot of browsers use it 
to determine how to open a file.


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