I had this crazy idea that MS would allow developers to implement something 
like this so we could forget about the various furbar'd rendering engines MS 
produces and just run with something that works for those of us who code to, 
or try to code to, the various standards:

<meta name="engine" content="webkit" />

or at least allow us to stick in a HTTP response header for the client:

X-HTML-Rendering-Engine: webkit

Given the webkit (http://webkit.org/) BSD/LGPL licensing... although I 
wouldn't see myself as a licensing expert and I doubt MS would want to 
implement an open source license, but a man can dream.

At least we suffering developers could tell IE what engine to render the page 
with, and IE lovers can still have their IE chrome :D


On Tue, 4 Mar 2008 02:25:25 pm Chris Knowles wrote:
> "We've decided that IE8 will, by default, interpret web content in the
> most standards compliant way it can. This decision is a change from what
> we've posted previously."....
> http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/03/03/microsoft-s-interoperability-pr

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