
Sent this out, wondering if anyone has any pointers???


Original Message:

   Hi everyone,

   I'm really hoping someone can help me with this bug. I've known
   about it for a while but am hoping that now that IE7 has been around
   for a while that a smarter person than me will have figured out a

   I have a list menu which is supposed to be horizontal and centered.
   Not a problem right? Wrong. There are three problems.
      1. IE7 doesn't use display: inline very well when text is
   enlarged or made smaller. (just try it and see the mess it creates)
      2. The width cannnot be set because the number of items changes
   on a regular basis without warning.
      3. Float combined with margin: 0 auto doesn't work because the
   width of the ul is always 100% and can't be set smaller because of
   the reason given above.

   This is creating a huge problem because I can't center lists without
   setting a width. Is there a way of getting around this in IE7? Is
   there a javascript or PHP script which can detect the width of
   something so I can put that in to the css? Or just fix the problem?

   Thanks heaps,

   PS- I've heard about either a php function or a meta tag which
   forces standards? Does anyone know more about it? Might that help?

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