Krystian - Sunlust wrote:
IE5 ?
Each time I hear about IE5 I want to laugh, honestly, IE6 is old, and
most companies that actually create revenue in our modern times use
Vista and IE7, who would worry/use IE5?
My friend who I just finished designing website for is using IE6 but
his computer is like 2-3 years old, what kind of a company uses that
old hardware ??

Anyway, end with the rant, in my opinion there should be some strong
compaign to cut the usage of IE5 and IE6 because it's just silly to
try to develop modern websites in our "web 2.0" world for those
useless browsers.
It's like trying to design new aeroplanes and test them with steam
engines instead of jet ones.

Get a grip, for old browsers theres only one kind of a website I would
create: "Click this button to download Firefox".


I had a customer recently whom I had prepared a rough demo page for, it worked for ie6,7, Opera and FF but when I got some feedback they weren't happy in the slightest because I'd sent them a mess. Anyway, we checked the server logs and it turned out they were using an unpatched IE5 on an unpatched windows 98! (which of course was perfectly reasonable, just uncommon).

We convinced them to upgrade their IT equipment but it was an eye opener. It never pays to assume that everyone is/should be bang up to date just because you are sick of working around IE bugs (we all are). Assumption is the mother of all ****ups. If you don't write CSS for those very old browsers eg. IE5.x (which I must admit I don't) I find it best to hide the CSS from those browsers altogether using conditional comments and the media attribute when linking to CSS. Using the same approach you can add a note to say why the site looks the way it does.

re. 'some strong campaign':


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