I would generally avoid a fieldset for navigation item's. If you can
accomplish the effect you want with div's then use your div's. The main time
a fieldset is used is to hold form element's.

This is from the W3C site http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-HTML-TECHS/

The following HTML 4.01 mechanisms group content and make it easier to

    * Use FIELDSET to group form controls into semantic units and describe
the group with the LEGEND element.
    * Use OPTGROUP to organize long lists of menu options into smaller
    * Use tables for tabular data and describe the table with CAPTION.
    * Group table rows and columns with THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP.
    * Nest lists with UL, OL, and DL.
    * Use section headings (H1 - H6) to create structured documents and
break up long stretches of text. Refer to the following section for more
    * Break up lines of text into paragraphs (with the P element).
    * Group related links. Refer to the section Grouping and bypassing links

All of these grouping mechanisms should be used when appropriate and
natural, i.e., when the information lends itself to logical groups. Content
developers should not create groups randomly, as this will confuse all

Your list is using the <ul> and <li> selector's which the fieldset element
is not designed to work with

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Adam Cooper
Sent: 30 July 2008 02:35
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Firefox 3 and fieldset elements

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this -
I have a relatively positioned element with a nav element inside this.

* The relatively positioned element has a 4em top margin and 40px top  

* The nav element is positioned absolutely (top 0; right 25px) with a  
negative top margin the same as it's height (3em).

If the relatively positioned element is a div, this displays fine in  
Safari 3, FF3 and Opera 9.5.
However, if I change this element to a fieldset, it breaks under FF3.


To make matters worse, Firebug reports no difference in the computed  
styles between the div and fieldset elements.
In fact, when using Firebug to highlight the navigation element, it  
shows a "ghost" element where the navigation should be.

The problem is the same whether the page is served as text/html or  



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