
Not wanting to hijack the PNG thread, so I've altered the subject.

I understand the issues involve in huge migrations, it's not that easy.. 
especially if your systems have a vested interest in some piece of obsolete 
technology.. but there are two things that strike me as odd here - 
- IE7 has been around for about 2 years now. It takes about 10 minutes to 
install IE7 on the desktop (I did one yesterday). 20000 employees shouldn't be 
that difficult ?
- the last time I worked in a big corporate environment, upgrades happened 
with a zap disk - either by choice or because the OS became unusable. The zap 
would boot up the PC and download an image to the machine, installing the 
image. A fresh new windows in about 30 minutes.

So, time isn't obviously an issue - I think it's more the "tying of an 
application to one browser" -- if it's for internal use that's  a special case 
that probably doesn't apply to general public web use.

Get enough people hammering on the door and somethings gotta give, I say ;)


On Monday 04 August 2008 15:54:41 Phillips, Wendy wrote:
> I would agree. When you have over 20,000 employees and multiple legacy
> systems, upgrading an OS is a really big deal and you will always be behind
> the pack. Staff don't have the choice or ability to upgrade.
>       WP
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Lewis, Matthew Sent: Monday, 4 August 2008 2:05 PM
> To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
> Subject: Re: [WSG] What is the best solution for IE6 png issue?
> > as to say look at the theory of developing specifics for IE6. There is
> > a gaining movement around to start phasing out IE6 support - look at
> > 37signals, I think they begin IE6 phase out this week or next. They've
> > done their maths and taken a gamble. Hopefully it'll spark something.
> > [snip...]
> > In the end, do you want to spend hours developing hacks for IE6 or
> > just nicely push people into an upgrade path?
> OT and not much to do with IE6 .png solutions but instead, the ongoing
> support of IE6 aspect of this thread.
> I was advised by a lesser Microsoft management bot that many corporate
> organisations have a 'latest minus one' policy, which means only running up
> to the previous version of any current browser. This will hopefully mean
> that when IE8 is fully released many corporate techs will then upgrade to
> IE7, ideally resulting in a bulk upgrade of the costly IE6.
> I hope this has some truth.

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