Stuart Foulstone.

On Fri, August 8, 2008 11:29 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> To my mind, one of the most pressing questions that needs to be answered
> in any particular case is: "How is the fieldset labelled?"
> If it specifically says something like 'postcode' or maybe 'contact
> details', and is one of a collection of fieldsets, then the button
> should probably be outside.
> If the form is simpler, the fieldset is un-labelled, generically
> labelled, or the only fieldset, then there is no advantage to moving the
> submit button outside of the fieldset.
> Of course, what would be best would be a quick study of what actual
> screen-readers speak in these cases - does the closing of a fieldset
> lead the user to believe that is the end of the form?

Fieldsets separate related input fields into different sets for ease of
comprehension.  The closing of a fieldset leads the user to expect another
fieldset, a lone input field  or a submit button.

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