Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying to implement a few features from the mootools library on a
clients web site.


Basically I'm trying to get 3 element to load differently on the page load.


the 1st one is the navigation bar which I think is completed


the second is a div that has a .png image for transparency that I want to
slide into place so basically have it's width go from 0px - 300px


then when that has finished it animation for the text inside it which has
another div container to fade in.


can anyone help? I've searched the web and the only things I can find either
don't work or they aren't accessible.


<div class="page-animation"> 

<div class="page-content"> (needs to have the slide from 0px to 310px on
page load)
<div class="padding">(needs to have any text/images contained to fade in on
page load)
<h1>Welcome to <strong>ACB</strong></h1>
<p><strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla
consequat est sed tellus. Donec ante augue, suscipit nec, tempor a, accumsan
sit amet, lectus.</strong></p>
<p>Aliquam dolor mi, tempus in, congue at, blandit eu, nulla. Nam in quam
eget nisl malesuada fringilla. Mauris eget sapien. Duis eu augue eu est
rutrum semper. Nunc et tellus. Nunc rhoncus, ante facilisis bibendum
feugiat, quam est sagittis felis, a imperdiet quam nisi non dolor. Praesent
rutrum lectus non dui. Aenean lorem. Sed pulvinar mauris vitae mauris.
Vivamus vitae tellus at nunc ullamcorper rhoncus.</p>
<p>Quisque lectus lorem, venenatis non, scelerisque a, suscipit at, neque.
Quisque faucibus feugiat lacus. Morbi ullamcorper diam ut dolor.</p>


site is at www.essentialebizsolutions.net/client/acb


Many thanks

Essential eBiz Solutions
0800 327 7935

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