My tolerance for legend attribute is running extremely thin and the irritation I have for it is greater than IE6.

Two questions:
1) Can anyone absolutely positively confirm that without legend a site will cause suffering to screen reader's user or cause a traumatic effect to accessibility?

2) I have a column that is 160px wide, but the text in legend is a bit longer, I added a span class, declared a width, but in Firefox, the text still refuse to run in two lines - the rest of the text simply get cut off when the words reaches 160px threshold. I really don't want to add a <br />, and it will be more ridiculous to use a p tag for the text so that I can force it display exactly the way my client wanted, then use a negative text-indent to hide the legend.

What is wrong with Firefox, why it refuses to fix this bug with so many upgrades??? Or it's not a bug but other browsers got it wrong and Firefox being self-righteous of its rightness???? Do we have Firefox developer here????


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