
Thank you for your feed back. I am working on those now. =)
The little globe is used to indicate links to external sites. Perhaps
another icon would indicate this better?

What would you suggest for the link colors. I prefer colors that make the
links stand our and not blend into the rest of the site...
The colors that you see current are a part of the default style sheet that I
use and year should probably be changed.

Thank you,


On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 01:22, Henrik Madsen <hen...@igenerator.com.au>wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> A couple of cents from downunder (in FF3, Camino, Safari / Mac).
> 1)  The main horizontal menu bar breaks thru the blue border on the right

> 2)  Maybe the drop menu would look better with a matching background image
> on the main category, rather than a solid blue block
> 3)  I'd have contact us link / details prominent
> 4)  Suggest font size is decreased and leading increased
> 5)  Increase padding around footer content
> 6)  Link text colour is a bit 'electric' blue (and the green, on hover,
> doesn't seem to associate with any other colour on the site)
> 7)  What's that little globe about?
> 8)  Purely personal view: everything looks a bit 'tabloid' busy and
> cluttered, which to me is kind of juxtaposed with the yoga vibe. 1) above
> should help to open up the layout but perhaps less use of bold (potentially
> even a font change to something less cold) will deliver a purer, classier,
> more whitespace, overall feel?
> Like I said, my 2c.
> Henrik

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