Hi guys,

I'm in a bit of a bind here. I have a nested list that I have no control
over - it's coming out of the CMS with this hierarchy and I can't change
that. Here is an example of the unstyled list:

- Main Navigation
--- Page 1
--- Page 2
--- Page 3
--- Subscriber Modules
----- Module 1
----- Module 2
----- Module 3
----- Module 4

So as you can see, Subscriber Modules sits at the same level as the pages
and has its own sub-list of modules.

The trouble comes when I get asked to have the "two lists" (pages and
subscriber modules) displaying side-by-side. I've managed to give the two
"top level" <li>'s (Main Navigation and Subscriber Modules) different
classes, so I can treat them differently from standard list items, but
making them line up beside each other is proving problematic.

First I tried:
.mainNav {
  float: left;
.subMod {
  float: right;

The trouble with this is that the .subMod list is only moved off to the
right from where it was - it still sits below all the pages. The only way to
get it level with the top of the .mainNav list would be to move it a set
amount upwards, and since there can be a variable number of pages that is
just not practical.

So then I tried:

.mainNav {
  position: relative;
.subMod {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;

This works fine to get them lining up correctly, but since there are more
subscriber modules than pages the bottom of the list doesn't appear in the
correct place. So I went searching for information on "clearing" absolutely
positioned elements. I found this page (
which looked promising, but it requires setting the position of the tallest
element to relative and in this case that is the one that needs to be

Can anyone suggest a way that I can bring these two lists into the format
I've been requested to?



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