Have you tried giving the center col (#content) a percent width like -
haven't tried it - just a thought

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Kristine Cummins <des...@kristinecummins.com
> wrote:

>  Hi All:
> I am developing a community calendar that is ran by javascripts that pulls
> from database. It has a 3-col layout. I’m aware that javascript-based site
> is not the most “accessible” but was the economical option for our
> non-profit. I have two questions:
> 1)    In Safari, the center col is not filling the entire center like it
> should on both PC and Mac but all other browsers OK. The floating left and
> right sidebars have margins sent while the center col sits relative in the
> middle.
>  2)    Since this is a primarily javascript-ran website, can you give me
> tips, on how to make it more accessible? I’m not going to do extreme
> measures here, but maybe will implement some basics.
> Site: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/index.shtml
> CSS: http://www.nvarts.org/demo/styles.css
> Thanks for your time!
> Kristine
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