On 13/5/09 04:32, Rebecca Cox wrote:
I'm wondering if its possible to embed Flash into HTML, using only HTML
(no javascript) and for this to be keyboard accessible (HTML and Flash
content usable by keyboard, no keyboard trap problems, for say A-grade
list at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/gbs/)

Test page: http://reb.net.nz/greed/index2.html

Seems to be fine in IE, but in Firefox you cannot get keyboard focus
onto the Flash without using the mouse.

I suspect http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-1219 is why you can't move focus into the Flash without the keyboard.

The more usual problem in Firefox is not being able to move focus /out/ of the Flash object.

Just spotted
this sounds as if it relies on the actionscript within the Flash itself
being written in a particular way, and possibly on the javascript used
to embed the flash into the HTML page.

Interesting, hadn't seen that before.

I'm not sure the technique is dependent on how you embed it, but it does look dependent on the JS DOM focus() method to move focus out of the Flash object.

So I'd suggest the answer to your wondering is no. :(

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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