At 6/17/2009 06:45 PM, Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:
on an ASP.NET-driven site we'd like to use background images for flexible-width submit inputs.

Due to the .NET limitation we cannot use the <button> tag and are stuck with the following syntax:

<input type="submit" value="Button Text" />

Did you ever style these submit inputs with background images that allowed a flexible width?

I have successfully applied a background image to input, for example the join-list form on this pre-launch site:

I consider the above solution, with its single background image, to be a mediocre, interim placeholder approach because this image with its rounded corners doesn't support text-resizing well. If you enlarge text separately from layout, the background image repeats, spoiling the cosmetic effect. (We're using a fixed width in this instance, but the same applies to horizontal repeats.) In this particular case our background image is such that input text remains legible on enlargement but we sacrifice the cosmetic single-pill appearance. If we were using a plain rectangle with at most say a uni-directional gradient but without special top- & side-caps, we could simply allow it to repeat vertically & horizontally without cosmetic penalty.

To support rounded corners in an enlargeable context, I'd surround each input control with a matrix of divs and apply fragmented background images to those parts to allow for variable height & width. ...Pending universal implementation of CSS3's multiple backgrounds!

One of the usability/accessibility problems with background images on input fields is that in order for the background image to display you need to override the default border & background color. Then if you disable images the input field disappears. I suppose a workaround would be possible in which the input field is positioned on top of a div with a border and/or background color that would show through if the input's background image were missing from the rendering.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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