On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Luc<l...@dzinelabs.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon list,
> Does anybody know if their exists a list of what is required in terms of 
> accessibility
> features for each country (governments)?
> --
> Regards,
>  Luc

Hi Luc,

here in Australia we have a couple of pieces of legislation, the main
one being the Disability Discrimination Act - there is a guide to it
at http://hreoc.gov.au/disability_rights/dda_guide/dda_guide.htm
There are some Better Practice Guidelines that touch on a lot of
accessibility issues (amongst others) at

Others may wish to add to the list above.

Best regards, Andrew

Andrew Boyd
http://uxaustralia.com.au -- UX Australia Conference Canberra 2009
http://uxbookclub.org -- connect, read, discuss
http://resilientnationaustralia.org Resilient Nation Australia

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