Hi Marvin

2009/11/12 Marvin Hunkin <startrekc...@gmail.com>:
> here'sthe current version and hopefully the final version.
> now from a accessibility view point, and a layout and content viewpoint.
> what do you think?

It has a plain and unsophisticated look but there’s a certain honesty
that comes with that may prove to be appropriate to the business of
selling fresh produce.

I believe the home page would benefit from a descriptive paragraph
which introduces the business and what Joe has to offer, This would
make the most sense near the top of the home page with the first
image. A summary of the content that appears on the history page would
be appropriate. I’d include a read more link to the history page at
the end of this text. Actually I would suggest you rename the history
page to 'About Joe’s'.

The banana icons used on the main navigation are too complex to be
used on every link. Their repetition draws attention away from the
links themselves rather than helping people visually distinguish
between them. If you are willing to do some additional work, I would
suggest you only place the icon in front of the link to the current
page. The best way to distinguish this link from the others is to not
have it linked at all. Instead of the [a] use a [span] or [strong] for
emphasis. This will also provide a usability improvement by preventing
the confusion that is created when one follows links to a page already

Are the specials going to change? If so you’ll need to be careful to
prevent too much text being added to the description of each special.
This is a potential problem because you are setting the height of the
specials divs – additional content may be obscured if it doesn’t fit
in this height. If this content is going to be regularly changed ask
this list about alternative layout techniques you could use to avoid
this problem.

One more point regarding the navigation. Personally I don’t think it
is necessary to repeat the navigation at the top and bottom of the
page. The 'Top of page' link ought to be adequate for those looking
for the navigation in the footer. It would be better I think to split
the navigation into two sets to provide the most important links in
the site more emphasis. Very few visitors to the site will be looking
for Copyright or Credits information so take these out of the
navigation at the top of the page and put them in the footer.
Similarly, as Nathanael suggested, the links to other Fruit and Veg
sites is another candidate for the footer unless you really see this
being a core reason people will visit Joe’s web page.

I hope you find my criticisms constructive.

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