Hi  Paul,

You can use select drop down box instead of buttons for the CSS switching -
this can minimize the space in page and usability will be effective for the
end users

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Paul Novitski <p...@juniperwebcraft.com>wrote:

> At 2/4/2010 10:43 AM, Erickson, Kevin (DOE) wrote:
>> Here is the page using your example: <
>> http://www.doetest.vi.virginia.gov/z_testing_area/kevin/test-css-off-from-wsg2.shtml
>> >
>> http://www.doetest.vi.virginia.gov/z_testing_area/kevin/test-css-off-from-wsg2.shtml
> I recommend that you give folks a corresponding button to turn styling back
> on after they switch it off.
> Paul
> __________________________
> Paul Novitski
> Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
> http://juniperwebcraft.com
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