On 10 Feb 2010, at 11:48, Hugo Mendes wrote:

>> http://websemantics.co.uk/online_tools/image_to_data_uri_convertor/

> Unfortantly this technique doesn't work on IE6 and 7.

… as it says on the page? Which suggests work arounds?

On the subject of the suggested workaround (conditional comments) - what about 
other browsers which don't support data URIs?

How do browsers behave, in practice, given:

background-image: url('http://example.com');
background-image: url('data:...');

Do browsers which support the data scheme successfully override the regular 
image before starting to download it?

Do browsers which don't support it still use the earlier declaration? Or do 
they go "I accept url() values, will override now"?

David Dorward

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