Apparently he is talking about overflow:hidden as a clearing floats fix.  (
Let me reformulate the question: why the property that serves for hiding
smth just make the wrapper stretch to accomodate containing floats.
As for me - i still consider this magic. May be W3C got smth on this topic.

Yuriy "akella" Artyukh,

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Christian Snodgrass <> wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Could you put together a
> quick example to illustrate.
> Basically what overflow: hidden does is anything that doesn't fit into it's
> given container is hidden, basically meaning that it doesn't affect the
> height of it's container. This only works if the parent has a height set. If
> it doesn't, overflow: hidden has absolutely no effect.
> Here is an example:
> In the first one, the container has a static height (500px) and no
> overflow. The text just streams right out of the container.
> In the second one, the container still has a static height, but has
> overflow: hidden. This time, the text just disappears.
> In the third one, the container has no height set, but has overflow:
> hidden. This time, the container's height stretches to accommodate it's
> contents.
> In the fourth one, the container has no height set and has no overflow.
> This functions exactly the same as the third. Overflow hidden had no effect
> on the third one without a height being set.
> Hope that clarifies overflow: hidden a bit.
> - Christian
> On 2/10/2010 1:50 PM, Jody Tate wrote:
>> (I'm a list lurker. Also, apologies if this has been covered before.)
>> In CSS, setting a div to "overflow: hidden" solves a problem it
>> shouldn't--at least from the name of the property and value, it seems like
>> it shouldn't.
>> Often I'll have text, e.g. an h1, overflowing its containing/parent div,
>> but setting the containing/parent div to "overflow: hidden" causes the
>> parent div to set its height in a way that the formerly overflowing text no
>> longer overflows.
>> I've seen this happen for years. Another developer showed me this fix
>> years ago. But over the years, I've never read an explanation why "overflow:
>> hidden" fixes a problem its name implies it wouldn't.
>> Have others seen this? Any explanations?
>> -jody
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