You can use transparent images and negative margins.

The simplest way to set this up would be to use a program like Fireworks
(which lets you move stuff around freely and gives you an x and y).

Cut up all of your states into separate images with transparent backgrounds.

Then you can bring them all into a Fireworks file, position them properly,
then use the x and y it gives you to figure out the negative margins for

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:21 PM, cat soul <> wrote:

> On Oct 14, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Christian Snodgrass wrote:
> Basically image maps can be used, but they aren't usually a good idea. A
> better method would be to split it up into separate images and smash them
> together to look like one map. This lets you add alt tags and what-not to
> make it more accessible.
> In the case of a map of, say, the USA, how would you achieve this smashing
> together, while still having the smashed-together images look like the
> contiguous US of A?
> cs
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