On 1/9/11 7:44 AM, designer wrote:
Hi L&G,

I am making a site (html5) which has a <nav> section at the top of each page. Some pages will also have a 'menu' which will be a short list of links to other pages in the site, and these will appear lower down in the content of the page.

Instinct tells me that it is sensible to make this subset as follows:

</menu>   (where blah is a link to a page)

But lots of folk seem to say that <menu> is only to be used for lists of commands. It's not clear to me, anyway! Is the above 'wrong'?

All advice gratefully recd.


I do not think the above is necessarily "wrong."
Another approach might be:

Top menu

Subset menu
<ul id="s">



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