On 14 Jan 2011, at 18:40, Richard R. Hill wrote:
> Yet, the W3C validation tolls never flag a missing default CSS language 
> declaration as an issue when validation XHTML.

The W3C Validation Service is a generic SGML/XML validator, not an HTML 
conformance checker. It doesn't check for things that are not expressed in the 
DTD (which this isn't, and couldn't be).

> Should we make sure our pages declare the default CSS type as we do for 
> Javascript?

If you use style attributes (which you shouldn't) or fiddle the style.* 
properties with JavaScript (which you shouldn't unless you need to deal with a 
wide range of values, such as when you are animating), then the spec requires 
that you do so. (Although this will, IIRC, change for (X)HTML 5).

>  Like:
> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> since you said 

David Dorward

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