On 1/18/11 6:49 AM, designer wrote:
I making an html5 site with a few galleries, each one being a grid of images 4 rows of three thumbnails. Clicking the thumbnails provides a 600px wide image via lightbox++. The images are all 600px wide, but the heights are different. When it comes to making the galleries visible on a mobile phone I do not have a problem since I've made the structure elastic and the grid shrinks to 6 rows of 2 images. Fine. BUT : clearly, the lightbox images simply do not fit on the small screen and I wondered if anyone has solved the problem of how to stop the lightbox working on small screens? Media queries?
All suggestions welcome.
Many thanks,

Try it the other way around: lay it out in mobile first?
@media only screen and (max-width:480px),only screen and (max-device-width:480px) {...}



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