Thanks all!

On Mar 31, 2011, at 1:05 AM, Fabien BENARIAC wrote:
>>    After upgrading to FF4, most addons worked -- until I restarted FF.
> I just have to re-install firebug... YSlow was ok after for me. btw, I think 
> a upgrade is usefull (I don't understand why you want to run FF3x modules 
> with FF4x...)
Sometimes I hate it when I asked a simple question and having to end up 
explaining the background story in details:)

I don't want to run FF3x addons with FF4x. I want to run a separate FF3x with 
addons that don't work for FF4 yet.

Some addons are not compatible with FF4x, which I have learned, because FF4 
uses 64bits whereas FF3x is 32bits.

 I upgraded FF4 the day it released, at that time, Firebug FF4 compatible 
showed an error (and the YSlow didn't work so I disabled both), WAVE Toolbar 
was not available until a couple days later (kudos to WebAIM people working 
fast, or I would had to ask the question few days earlier). Google Page Speed 
is still not compatible, from its page, there is a "A week to a few weeks. In 
the meantime" comment dated on Mar 22. Today is Mar 31.

It looks to me the developers at Google didn't even bother to test the 
extension with FF4 beta, and thought it could just work. just fine.
When it didn't and people reported it, they ignored for months.

YSlow, just checked again.  Seems to have bug that caught me off guard, the Run 
Test button is not clickable.

I nee the Page Speed because my client use it for site test. It has released 
the extension under  Experimental Extension API I learned yesterday when I was 
desperate to make the Page Speed works. After trying it, I find I rather stay 
with the FF's version thus my question for previous FF.


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