On 5 Apr 2011, at 11:48, Elankeeran / இளங்கீரன் V wrote:

> if both the page are in different domain and if your owning both page then 
> you can add below line in the top of your both page
> window.domain="yourdomainname";

From: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/document.domain

> In the DOM HTML specification, this property is listed as being read-only. 

So you shouldn't be able to do that.

> However, Mozilla will let you set it to a superdomain of the current value, 
> constrained by its base domain. For example, on developer.mozilla.org it is 
> possible to set it to "mozilla.org" but not "mozilla.com" or "org".

So you can, but only in non-standard and very limited ways.

David Dorward

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