iOS Safari has rendering issue with fixed position, that is, the element will 
stay at the middle of the page when the hight of content is longer than the 
device height.

Side note: as a touchscreen device user, I find a "go to top" link provides an 
appreciated usability and accessibility, especially when the bottom section of 
the page has no useful navigation that allows users to go to previous/next page 
or the main menu (or is there magic tap for go to top shortcut?)

A site I was working, client doesn't want the conventional go to top link but 
something fancy that will show up when user scroll down, and fade out when 
scroll up to the top, this part isn't a problem with jquery, and I have found 
simple script that does this too, but in IOS Safari (can anyone confirm this is 
the case too for non-iOS device?) it shows up in the middle of the page, and 
when you are at the bottom section of the page you won't be able to see it.

Please see these two examples:

This one uses fixed position.

And I changed it to absolute position but  it still behaves the same.

Anyway to get around this?



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