On Sep 4, 2011, at 4:51 AM, Andrew Harris wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently had some problems with the Myki website (I like to use the
> keyboard to navigate - they don't make it easy!), which prompted me to
> visit the site's accessibility page.
> http://www.myki.com.au/Home/Accessibility/Accessibility/default.aspx
> There, they make a claim about their efforts to reach WCAG AA
> compliance. Ever pedantic, I ran a few checks over the site, and found
> many errors that would indicate that this simply isn't so. In fact
> only one of the five pages I tested actually passed!
> Does it have to wait for someone to bring an action against them, or
> is there some other sort of trigger that can be used to prompt them to
> action? After all, this isn't just some business selling widgets, it's
> a public transport ticketing system!
> -- 

The site claims WCAG 1.0 AA compliance.

If I'm not mistaken, keyboard navigation is not included in WCAG 1.0. The site 
(whoever wrote the accessibity statement) may be confused it with access key 

If I were a user of this site, I would write email to suggest the site needs 
upgrade to WCAG 2.0 AA comformace, it probably gets ignored, but if more users 
write in it will bring the attention.


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