Hey Stevio,

There could be a range of reasons for the select element issue, so the only 
answer would be "it depends".

In your case, the issue MAY be related to font-size. Browsers may render the 
font-size of the <select> element slightly differently. This could mean that 
the em unit applied to the <select> element may be smaller in some browsers, 
and therefore the <select> element will not "poke out the side" of the form.

Here is a quick online example:

There are three <form> examples on the page. All three of these <forms> have 
been set to 30em wide. 

The first <form> example has a <select> element with no width applied. 

The second <form> example has a <select> element set to 32em. Depending on the 
font-size of the <select> element, this may mean it pokes out the side of the 
<form> element.

The third <form> example has a <select> element set to 32em AND set to 100% 
font-size. So, in all browsers EXCEPT IE6, the <select> element SHOULD stick 
out the side of the <form> in all cases. In other words, this is a consistent 
and correct behaviour. (Child elements that are wider than the parent element 
should stick outside the parent and be fully visible, unless some form of 
overflow has been applied).

The only exception is IE6, which will operate differently. IE6 will force the 
parent to wrap around the child element. In this case, the <form> element will 
them become 32em wide in order to accommodate the <select> element. This is not 
the correct behaviour, but it is a well known IE6 behaviour  :)


On 01/11/2011, at 7:11 AM, Stevio wrote:

> I have noticed that the behaviour of <fieldset> is inconsistent across 
> browsers.
> I am working on a form where I have a fieldset with a 1px border. If the form 
> has a fixed width of 30em, but there is a <select> list within that form with 
> a width greater than 30em, then the form width will not expand but the 
> fieldset width *may* expand depending on which browser is being used.
> The fieldset width expands in Firefox and Chrome, but not in IE and Opera. 
> What is the correct behaviour?
> Thanks,
> Stephen 
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